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Přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka

Do svého týmu obchodníků přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka ochotného budovat svou kariéru v oboru vázací a balící materiály a vázací a balící technika.

Company profile

TECHNOBAL is modern technological company providing comprehensive services in strapping and packing of goods. We offer a wide range of products for the packing of merchandise, including consulting, transport to the destination, suitable financing; the warranty and post-warranty service is a matter of course. Our priority is an individual approach to our client’s requirements, finding the most effective solution to their requirements with respect to the quality, price and method of use.

TECHNOBAL has a high quality technical sales and administrative background, including warehouse premises which by their size enable us to ensure the optimal volume of warehouse inventories for a flexible response to our client orders.

Our fully trained staff from the Sales Department will assist you in all areas of our wide ranging assortment.

Alternative fulfilment Technobal s.r.o. mediates for its clients the option to apply alternative solutions pursuant to Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment.

Ask us! We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
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