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Přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka

Do svého týmu obchodníků přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka ochotného budovat svou kariéru v oboru vázací a balící materiály a vázací a balící technika.

Strapping tools / Hand / For plastic strap / Strapping toop TECH POWER

hand strapping tool for plastic strap TECH POWER

  • Strapping of large flat items
  • Economical strapping variant by strong PET strap
  • Tightening force 2500N

These strapping tools are designed for strapping palettes and large flat items. Polypropylene (PP) or polyester (PET) strap are used with a special toothed buckle. The strapping tool is fitted with a unique system of closing the buckle with which three-times higher strength in the joint is achieved compared with common PP strap strapping tools. Moreover, the strapping tools are fitted with an extraordinary strong tensioning mechanism (tensioning force of 2500 N!!!). Some further advantages of this strapping tool are the robust and ergonomic design, very simple service and minimum maintenance demands. The strapping tools are delivered in variants for straps with the width 11-12.5 or 15-16 mm. The strapping tool is recommended as a cheaper variant when transferring from steel strap to strong PP straps and PET straps.


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