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Do svého týmu obchodníků přijmeme zkušeného samostatného obchodníka ochotného budovat svou kariéru v oboru vázací a balící materiály a vázací a balící technika.

Strapping tools / Pneumatic / For plastic strap / Strapping tool ST-POLI 13/16/19MT

Pneumatic strapping tool ST-POLI 13/16/19MT

  • Strapping tools for continuous operating units
  • Option to use bands with the width 10 -16 mm, tensioning force up to 150kg
  • Vibrating weld with automatic strap cutting
  • robust construction
  • very simple and easy tool control
  • recommended for high-strength strapping
  • recommended for demanding and continuous operating units
TYP 10/13/16LT
Type of strap quality PP/PET
Type of the joint vibrating weld
Strength of weld 75-85%
Type of packed product flat
Width of the strap 10-16mm
Thickness of the strap 0.4–1.0mm
Max. tensioning 1 500N
Max. tensioning speed 9m/min
Air pressure 6-7bar
Consumption of air for tensioning 12l/sec -
Air consumption for welding 12l/sec
Weight: 4.5kg


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